Pam Blair, a member of Frontrunners/Frontwalkers Chicago (itself a member of International Frontrunners,) was honored by the Chicago Area Runners Association (CARA) at its 17 January 2009 awards ceremony. Pam competed in most of the 20 races on the CARA circuit. Based on that performance, she was named the #1 woman on the circuit. How difficult is that to do? In this writer's experience, the CARA circuit is more competitive than any event he has ever participated in. And Pam is a new runner.
She says "In February 2007 I grew bored with my indoor cross-trainer, so I began running with one of my canine clients. (Pam is a dog walker by profession.) It was a nice way to break up the day and for the first time ever, I found myself enjoying running (former cyclist, never a runner). It wasn't long before the dog and I were no longer compatible running partners, so I started running on my own. It seemed I could hold a decent pace, and I missed the competition from my bike racing days, so I decided to give racing a try."
How did Pam encounter Frontrunners/Frontwalkers Chicago? She joined to meet new people and find training partners. She had learned about the club through Chicago TriWomen, with whom she was training for the Gay Games in 2006 (biking).
Pam is an exceptional athlete. I know for I used to be able to keep up with her - something that I stopped being able to do after about two months. If Pam could accomplish this feat in 18 months of training, imagine what you could accomplish if you really set your mind to training for the Gay Games in Cologne Germany 18 months from now.