
Friday, December 2, 2011

Compete looks at new sexual orientatio protections in US pro sports contracts

Ty Nolan has a great look in Compete  at the latest news on recent advances in US pro sport.

Ah, the drama behind the scenes of NBA and MLB contracts. I've written an extensive article on how the major sports franchises are dealing with sexual orientation in their new contract negotiations. At the time I had to send the article to the publisher, I had not heard back from the MLB. I included the fact the San Francisco Giants became the first MLB team to offer domestic partnerships and protections for LGBT employees because San Francisco had passed legislations any company doing business with the City had to reflect their values on equality.

Now I can bring you "the rest of the story." The good news after the NFL recently made headlines for protecting gay players the--MLB has added sexual orientation as a protected class in terms of employment. One of the most vocal advocates for equal opportunity employment has been Rafael McDonnell, the Communications and Advocacy Manager for Resource Center Dallas, the city's Gay and Lesbian Center. After reading about the NFL inclusionary CBA language, he contacted both the NBA and the MLB to see if they would include the changes as well. I'm including a detailed time line of his experiences as well as one of the letters he received in response.

Keep reading HERE.

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